What Is Hammering The CPU When Top Is Not Running

What Is Hammering The CPU When Top Is Not Running? – Full Guide!

When `top` is not running, “hammering the CPU” refers to a program or process using excessive processing power, causing high CPU usage. This can be due to background apps or intensive tasks. Monitoring tools like Task Manager or `htop` can help identify the cause.

This article explores how background processes can overload your CPU when `top` isn’t running.

Table of Contents

What Is Hammering?

Hammering occurs when the CPU is working too hard because it has too many tasks to handle at once. This can slow down your computer, cause it to overheat, and even cause it to crash.

Keeping an eye on CPU usage and managing tasks can help prevent hammering, ensuring your computer runs smoothly and efficiently.

Common symptoms of CPU hammering

  • System Slowdowns: The computer becomes very slow or stops responding.
  • High Fan Noise: The fan runs loudly because the CPU is too hot.
  • Application Freezes: Programs freeze or crash suddenly.
  • Overheating: The CPU gets very hot.
  • Lagging Input: There are delays when using the keyboard or mouse.

Common Causes of CPU Hammering

Common Causes of CPU Hammering
Source: Quora

1. Background Processes

Many programs, such as auto-updates or syncing services, run in the background without you noticing. These processes can consume significant CPU resources, causing your system to slow down.

2. Malware and Viruses

Harmful software can infect your computer and use CPU power to perform tasks such as mining cryptocurrency or sending spam emails. Regularly scanning for and removing malware can help maintain CPU efficiency.

3. Heavy Applications

Resource-intensive applications like video editors, 3D modelling software, or high-end games require much processing power to run smoothly. Running too many of these applications at a time can overload the CPU.

4. System Updates and Backups

Scheduled system updates or automatic backup processes can start running unexpectedly, using many CPU resources. To minimize their impact on performance, it’s important to schedule these tasks during off-peak hours.

5. Misconfigured Software

Software that needs to be optimized or configured correctly can lead to unnecessary CPU usage. This includes applications with bugs or memory leaks that require more processing power than they should.

6. Too Many Open Applications

Having too many applications open simultaneously can lead to CPU overload, as the system must work efficiently to manage everything running.

Identifying CPU Hammering Without Using Top

1. Using the PS Command

The ps command shows a list of running processes and their CPU usage. Type ps aux –sort=-%cpu | head -n 10 in the terminal to see which processes use the most CPU power.

2. Employing htop

htop is an interactive tool that displays CPU usage and running processes in a user-friendly way. To monitor CPU usage visually, install it with sudo apt-get install htop and run top in the terminal.

3. Utilizing iotop

iotop shows real-time I/O operations that might be affecting CPU usage. Please install it using sudo apt-get install iotop and run iotop to see which processes create heavy data loads.

4. Leveraging vmstat

vmstat provides a snapshot of system performance, including CPU usage, memory, and I/O stats. Run vmstat 1 5 in the terminal to get updated performance statistics and help identify CPU hammering issues.

5. Using mpstat

mpstat monitors CPU usage across multiple cores. Install it with sudo apt-get install sysstat, then run mpstat -P ALL 1 5 to see detailed CPU usage for each core and spot any imbalances.

Advanced Tools for CPU Monitoring

Advanced Tools for CPU Monitoring
Source: motadata

1. sar (System Activity Reporter)

Sar collects and reports system activity data over time. Install it with sudo apt-get install sysstat, then run sar -u 1 3 to view detailed CPU usage stats and analyze performance trends.

2. Glances

Glances provides an overview of system resources, including CPU, memory, and disk I/O, all in one interface. Please install it using pip install glances or through package managers, then run glances in the terminal for real-time monitoring.

3. Atop

Atop offers detailed real-time performance monitoring, including CPU, memory, and process-level activity. Install it with sudo apt-get install atop, then start it by running atop to track system performance over time.

4. Perf

Perf is a powerful tool for profiling and tracing system performance. Available in the linux-tools package (sudo apt-get install linux-tools-common), use perf top to view real-time performance data and diagnose issues.

5. Strace

strace traces system calls of a specific process, helping diagnose issues affecting CPU performance. Run strace -p <pid> in the terminal to see system calls and monitor process behaviour.

6. lsof (List Open Files)

lsof lists open files for a specific process, which can help identify processes with heavy file operations. Run lsof -p <pid> to check which files a process uses and diagnose potential CPU load issues.

How do I fix high CPU usage without ‘top’?

To fix high CPU usage without top, use Task Manager, ps, or htop to identify and manage resource-heavy processes: close unnecessary applications and update software.

What Is CPU In The PS Command?

In the ps command, CPU refers to the percentage of the CPU’s processing power used by each process. It shows how much CPU each task is consuming.

Why Is My CPU Usage So High When Nothing Is Running?

Background processes, system services, or malware may cause high CPU usage without visible tasks. Use Task Manager or other tools to identify and manage these issues.

Can a CPU go beyond 100%?

Yes, on multi-core systems, CPU usage can exceed 100%. Each core can show up to 100% usage, so a system with multiple cores can display usage above 100%.

What does CPU mean in the top command?

In the top command, the CPU shows the percentage of its total capacity used by various processes. This helps monitor which processes are consuming the most CPU power.

How to fix the 100% CPU utilization bug?

To fix 100% CPU utilization, identify the high-usage process using Task Manager or diagnostic tools. Terminate or optimize the process, update software, and check for malware.

How to stop high CPU usage?

Close unnecessary programs, update drivers, and scan for malware to stop high CPU usage. Use Task Manager to identify and manage processes that consume excessive CPU resources.

Is 60 too high for the CPU?

A CPU temperature of 60°C is generally safe during regular use. However, monitor it to ensure it doesn’t consistently exceed this temperature, which could indicate cooling issues.

Is 80% CPU usage OK?

80% CPU usage is acceptable for short periods, but if it remains high, it might indicate excessive load. Regularly check and manage processes to avoid potential performance issues.

Is 90 too much for the CPU?

90% of CPU usage is high, which can cause performance issues or overheating. Investigate the cause and manage processes to reduce usage and ensure system stability.

Why is my CPU getting so hot?

Why is my CPU getting so hot
Source: pcgamer

Your CPU may get hot due to heavy workload, inadequate cooling, dust buildup, or poor thermal paste. Check for background processes, clean your cooling system, and ensure good airflow to manage CPU temperatures effectively.

What are safe CPU temps?

Safe CPU temperatures typically range from 30-40°C when idle and 60-80°C under load. Temperatures above 85°C can risk damage. Always check your CPU manufacturer’s guidelines for specific safe temperature ranges.

Whats the meaning of CPU% for each process in top command?

In the top command, CPU% shows how much CPU processing power each process uses. It helps identify which processes are consuming the most CPU resources.

What could possible take 100% cpu but not show up in (sudo) top

Processes using 100% CPU but not showing at top could be hidden system tasks, kernel-level activities, or malicious software. Check with other tools or scan for malware to investigate.

High CPU usage until I open task manager

High CPU usage that appears until you open Task Manager could be due to background processes or system services. Task Manager can help identify and manage these processes to reduce CPU usage.

My CPU is working on 100% until I open Task Manager

If your CPU is at 100% until you open Task Manager, it may indicate that a background process or service is causing high CPU usage. Check Task Manager to find and address the issue.

Why is my CPU on 50% when nothing is running

Your CPU may be at 50% usage with no visible tasks due to background processes, system services, or malware. Use tools to investigate hidden tasks and check for system health issues.

[SOLVED] CPU 100% Usage/Utilization with Nothing Running

If CPU usage is 100% with nothing running, it could be due to background tasks or system services. Use Task Manager or other diagnostic tools to identify and fix the issue.

High CPU usage (60-70%) without processes running on Windows 10

High CPU usage of 60-70% without visible processes could be due to background services, system updates, or malware. Use Task Manager to identify and manage these hidden tasks.

Getting 100% CPU usage with no app running.

Getting 100% CPU usage with no app running.
Source: Reddit

Getting 100% CPU usage without apps running may indicate background processes, system services, or malware causing a high CPU load. Use diagnostic tools to find and address the issue.

How do I find out what is hammering my SQL Server?

To find out what is hammering your SQL Server, check performance metrics, use SQL Server Profiler, or review logs. Tools and queries can help identify high-resource-consuming operations or queries.

How to create a CPU spike with a bash command

Use a loop that continuously performs calculations to create a CPU spike with a bash command. Example: while :; do echo “scale=5000; a(1)*4” | bc; done.

Comprehending ‘top’ CPU usage [closed]

Comprehending top CPU usage means understanding how the top command displays CPU usage for each process. It shows the percentage of CPU power each process uses to help manage system resources.

Top command to show the %cpu in descending order

To show CPU usage in descending order with top, use the command and press P while top is running. This will arrange processes based on their CPU usage.

How to interpret Linux `top` command

To interpret the top command in Linux, look at the CPU% column to see how much CPU each process uses. It shows details of real-time CPU usage for all processes.

Why is the CPU usage reported by top in Linux over 100%?

CPU usage can exceed 100% in Linux because of the top measure usage per core. On multi-core systems, total usage can show more than 100%, reflecting all cores’ activity.

Limiting Compiling CPU Usage?

To limit compiling CPU usage, use nice or cpulimit tools. For example, limit -l 50 -p <pid> restricts a process to 50% CPU usage.

100% CPU usage with nothing running

Background processes, system services, or malware might cause 100% CPU usage with nothing running. Check for hidden tasks and update or scan your system.

Backblaze hammering my iMac – been running at 80 – 100% CPU for days…

Backblaze using 80-100% CPU may perform intensive tasks like backups or syncing. To reduce CPU load, check its settings, limit its resource usage, or temporarily pause it.

UnRAID high CPU usage and crashing after drive failure.

High CPU usage and crashes in UnRAID after a drive failure may result from drive recovery processes or errors. To address the issue, check logs and manage recovery tasks.

High CPU usage in The Finals-please fix devs

High CPU usage in “The Finals” may be due to game optimization issues. Contact the developers or check for updates and patches to improve performance and reduce CPU load.

What causes a high CPU usage for no reason?

Background processes, system services, or malware can cause high CPU usage without apparent cause. Use diagnostic tools to find and manage hidden tasks that cause high usage.

Utility: Passage task running at 350% CPU for several minutes

A task running at 350% CPU usage uses multiple cores intensely. Check the task’s details to understand its behaviour and manage resource consumption.

What should my CPU be running At

What should my CPU be running At
Source: Quora

Your CPU should typically run at 0-10% when idle. Under heavy use, 60-80% is normal, but consistently high usage may indicate issues needing attention.

CPU spikes to 100% when opening programs

CPU spikes to 100% when opening programs can occur due to the software’s high resource demands. Monitor with the Task Manager to identify and address the programs causing spikes.

When I open task manager CPU is at 100 for a second

When Task Manager shows 100% CPU for a second, it could be due to a brief spike from background tasks or startup processes. Monitor to ensure it stabilizes.


1. Why is the “top” command showing a CPU usage of 799%?

The “top” command shows 799% CPU usage because it represents the combined usage across multiple cores. For example, an 8-core system can show usage up to 800%.

2. What is hammering the CPU when top is not running Windows

When top isn’t running on Windows, CPU hammering could be caused by background processes or malware. Use Task Manager or other tools to identify and manage these issues.

3. Why is my CPU usage so high when I’m not doing anything

High CPU usage when idle could be due to background tasks, system updates, or malware. Use Task Manager to find and address these processes to lower CPU usage.

4. How can I see what process spiked CPU usage and froze the system a few seconds ago?

To find the process that spiked CPU usage, check the Task Manager or use tools like Process Explorer. Then, look at recent CPU usage history and logs to identify the culprit.

5. Why sum of all process CPU(%) is not equal to total CPU (%) utilization in top output

The sum of all process CPU% may not match the total CPU% in the top due to system overhead or kernel usage. The top also shows CPU usage for idle time.

6. What is meant by CPU Utilization of a process and How can it be decreased?

CPU utilization shows how much CPU power a process uses. To decrease it, optimize the process, close unnecessary applications, or limit its priority to reduce its resource use.

7. Why won’t my CPU operate at its max potential even when my application (which utilize CPU’s resources) is lagging?

Your CPU may not operate at maximum potential due to thermal throttling, power limits, or other system constraints. Ensure proper cooling and check system settings to resolve lag issues.


In conclusion, high CPU usage can stem from factors like background processes or malware. Tools like Task Manager or `htop` help identify and resolve these issues, ensuring smoother performance.

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