No Or Unknown Cpufreq Driver Is Active On This CPU

No Or Unknown Cpufreq Driver Is Active On This CPU: Explore

Encountering the message “No or unknown Cpufreq driver is active on this CPU” indicates a critical issue affecting CPU performance and power management. 

Encountering “No or unknown Cpufreq driver is active on this CPU” suggests issues with CPU performance management due to driver problems. Ensure BIOS settings are configured correctly and update drivers to resolve Cpufreq issues for optimal processor efficiency.

This article explores common causes, troubleshooting steps, and solutions to rectify the absence or unrecognized status of Cpufreq drivers on various systems.

Table of Contents

Understanding CPUfreq And Its Importance:

In modern computing, CPUFreq (CPU Frequency Scaling) is crucial for dynamically adjusting CPU speed and power consumption based on workload demands.

This feature optimizes energy efficiency and prevents overheating, enhancing overall system performance.

1. No Active CPUFreq Driver Detected:

When your system reports “No active CPUFreq driver detected,” it indicates that the operating system is not utilizing any specific driver to control CPU frequency adjustments. This can lead to suboptimal performance and energy inefficiencies.

2. Unknown CPUFreq Driver Detected:

The message “Unknown CPUFreq driver detected” suggests that while a driver is present, the system cannot identify or support it properly. This situation can arise due to compatibility issues between the driver and the hardware or operating system.

What is a cpufreq Driver?

What is a cpufreq Driver?
Source: researchgate

A cpufreq driver manages your CPU’s speed by adjusting its frequency based on workload. It helps balance performance and power use, ensuring your CPU isn’t running at full speed when it doesn’t need to, saving energy and reducing heat.

1. Role of cpufreq Drivers

Cpufreq drivers control how fast your CPU runs by scaling its frequency. They work with the operating system to manage power and performance, ensuring your CPU runs efficiently. These drivers are essential for keeping your system responsive and energy-efficient.

2. Types of cpufreq Drivers

There are several cpufreq drivers available, each optimized for different CPU architectures. Common ones include:

  • acpi-cpufreq: Works with Intel CPUs and is commonly used in many systems.
  • intel_pstate: Specifically designed for newer Intel CPUs, offering more fine-grained control.
  • powernow-k8: Used for older AMD processors.
  • cpufreq-nforce2: For specific NVIDIA nForce2 chipsets.

Identifying The Error Message

Identifying The Error Message
Source: serveradminz

Encountering the error “No or unknown CPUFreq driver is active on this CPU” typically occurs during system boot-up or when using CPU monitoring utilities.

Understanding when and why this error appears is crucial for troubleshooting and resolving the issue effectively.

Cause Behind No Or Unknown CPUfreq Driver Is Active On This CPU

The primary cause of this error often stems from BIOS settings, particularly related to how processor information is organized (such as “Processor X2Apic Support”). This misconfiguration can prevent the correct CPUFreq driver from loading and functioning properly.

Understanding The Environment:

Certain server environments, like the HP ProLiant DL580 Gen8 running SLES 12 SP3, may encounter this issue more frequently. It affects tools like cpupower that manage CPU speed, highlighting the importance of proper driver configuration.

1. The Situation:

When using commands like “cpupower frequency-info,” users may observe messages indicating a lack of proper CPUFreq driver, which hampers the system’s ability to adjust CPU performance dynamically.

How To Resolve No Or Unknown CPUfreq Driver Is Active On This CPU

Step 1: BIOS Configuration:

Navigate to BIOS settings and adjust configurations related to CPU and power management to ensure the CPUFreq driver operates correctly and efficiently.

Step 2: Disable “Processor X2Apic Support”:

Access BIOS settings and turn off the “Processor X2Apic Support” option to resolve conflicts that hinder the proper operation of CPUFreq drivers.

Step 3: Collaborative Power Control (CPC):

Activate Collaborative Power Control (CPC) in the ROM-Based Setup Utility (RBSU) to enhance CPU power management capabilities, ensuring compatibility with CPUFreq drivers.

Step 4: Power Regulator Setting:

In Integrated Lights-Out (iLO) or RBSU, configure the “Power Regulator Setting” to “Dynamic Power Savings Mode” to activate the appropriate CPUFreq driver for efficient power management and performance optimization.

Common Reasons for the Error

1. Unsupported CPU Architecture

Your CPU might not be compatible with the available cpufreq drivers. This can happen if your processor needs to be updated or updated, making it unsupported by the current drivers and leading to frequency scaling issues.

2. Kernel Configuration Issues

If your kernel isn’t set up correctly, it may not support CPU frequency scaling. This can happen if necessary features are disabled or missing, causing the cpufreq driver to fail and the error to appear.

3. Outdated or Missing Drivers

If your cpufreq drivers are outdated or missing, your system can’t manage CPU frequency scaling. Updating or installing the correct drivers can fix this issue, restoring proper performance and power management.

Diagnosing the Problem

1. Checking for Available cpufreq Drivers

You can check for available cpufreq drivers by listing them in the system’s directory. This helps you confirm if the necessary drivers are installed and ready to properly manage your CPU’s frequency scaling.

2. Verifying Kernel Support

Make sure your kernel is configured to support CPU frequency scaling. This involves checking the kernel configuration to see if the necessary features are enabled, ensuring the system can manage CPU frequencies efficiently.

3. Reviewing System Log

Reviewing the system log helps identify errors related to CPU frequency management. Looking at the logs, you can find specific issues with cpufreq drivers or kernel support, guiding you toward the right solution.

Ensuring Long-Term Stability

1. Keeping the System Updated

Update your system regularly to ensure you have the latest drivers and kernel support. This helps prevent compatibility issues and keeps your CPU frequency scaling working efficiently, maintaining overall system performance.

2. Monitoring CPU Performance

Monitoring CPU performance helps you spot issues early. By regularly checking how your CPU is running, you can ensure that frequency scaling is working correctly and make adjustments as needed to maintain optimal performance.

3. Using CPU Governors

CPU governors control how cpufreq drivers manage frequency scaling. Options include:

  • Performance: Runs the CPU at maximum frequency.
  • powersave: Minimizes power consumption.
  • ondemand: Adjusts frequency based on current demand.
  • Conservative: Similar to demand but more gradual in scaling.

Selecting the right governor can help balance performance and energy efficiency.

Alternative Fix To Resolve No Or Unknown CPUfreq Driver Is Active On This CPU

1. BIOS Update:

Update your computer’s BIOS to the latest version available. BIOS updates often include fixes that can resolve issues related to CPUFreq drivers and improve overall system performance.

2. Module Availability:

Ensure that the necessary CPUFreq modules are accessible and correctly installed on your system. These modules are essential for the proper functioning of CPUFreq drivers.

3. Resolution Confirmation:

After making changes or updates to BIOS settings or modules, verify if the issue with CPUFreq drivers has been resolved. Check system logs or use diagnostic tools to confirm successful resolution.

Precautionary Measures

  • Implement regular system updates to ensure compatibility and stability. 
  • Back up important data before making any significant changes. 
  • Avoid unauthorized modifications to BIOS settings or kernel parameters.

How To Use Acpi Cpufreq Driver In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7?

Source: docs.redhat

To use the ACPI CPUFreq driver in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, configure it through system settings or install the cpufrequtils package for managing CPU frequency effectively.

On HP Proliant Dl580 G8 Hardware “No Or Unknown Cpufreq Driver Is Active On This Cpu” Messages.

Troubleshoot CPUFreq driver issues on HP ProLiant DL580 G8 hardware by updating BIOS, checking driver compatibility, or adjusting power management settings.

[Solved] Cpu Frequency Scale

Resolve CPU frequency scaling issues by updating drivers, adjusting power settings, or ensuring compatibility between hardware and software for optimal system performance.

[Solved] Setup Cpu Frequency

To set up CPU frequency, navigate to BIOS settings or use system monitoring tools to adjust CPU frequency scaling options accordingly for optimal performance based on workload and energy efficiency.

Centos 7.4 No Cpu Driver

CentOS 7.4, addresses issues where the CPU driver is not detected or installed by ensuring compatibility with hardware and the operating system. Install or update the necessary drivers to enhance system stability and performance.

Cpupower Frequency-Info Display “No Or Unknown Cpufreq Driver Is Active On This Cpu”

When using the cpupower frequency-info command, encountering the message “No or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU” suggests a problem with CPU frequency management. Troubleshoot by updating drivers or adjusting power settings as needed.

Cpu Governor – No Or Unknown Cpufreq Driver

When the CPU governor encounters issues due to the absence or unrecognized status of the CPUFreq driver, it affects CPU performance and power management efficiency. Resolve by ensuring the correct driver is installed and configured for optimal operation.

No Or Unknown Cpufreq Driver Is Active On This CPU Dell

Address Dell system errors indicating a missing or unrecognized CPUFreq driver to improve CPU performance and power efficiency. Update BIOS firmware, verify driver compatibility, and adjust power settings to resolve the issue effectively.

No Or Unknown Cpufreq Driver Is Active On This Cpu Ubuntu

Resolve Ubuntu system errors related to missing or unknown CPUFreq drivers by updating BIOS firmware, ensuring driver compatibility with the operating system, and optimizing power settings for enhanced CPU performance and efficiency.

No or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU Lenovo

Resolve Lenovo system issues displaying “No or unknown cpufreq driver is active” by updating BIOS, verifying driver compatibility, or adjusting power settings for optimal CPU performance and energy efficiency.

No or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU maximum transition latency: 4294.55 ms

Address system performance issues showing high maximum transition latency due to missing or unrecognized CPUFreq driver. Troubleshoot by updating drivers or adjusting power management settings to improve CPU response and efficiency.

Acpi-Cpufreq Vs Amd Pstate

Compare ACPI-cpufreq and AMD Pstate, which are CPU frequency scaling drivers in Linux. ACPI-cpufreq is versatile and supports various CPUs, while AMD Pstate is specific to AMD processors, each optimizing performance and power consumption differently.

Available Cpufreq Governors: Not Available

Available Cpufreq Governors: Not Available
Source: askubuntu

When “Available CPUFreq governors” are not accessible, troubleshoot system power management settings to ensure CPU performance is optimized for workload demands, potentially involving BIOS configuration or driver updates for resolution.

Cpufreq not working for xeon x5470

Troubleshoot issues with CPU frequency scaling on Xeon X5470 processors by updating drivers or checking compatibility with your operating system and BIOS settings.

Cpu-frequency scaling doens’t work w/ 2009.2

Resolve problems with CPU frequency scaling not functioning on a specific version of your system by ensuring driver compatibility and updating system software as needed.

Seeing CPU freq as adjusted by governor (from command line)

View CPU frequency adjustments made by the governor using command-line tools to monitor and optimize performance based on workload demands.

How to set CPU governor to performance in Ubuntu 22 server

Configure CPU governor settings to “performance” on the Ubuntu 22 server for maximum CPU performance by adjusting system settings or using command-line tools like cpupower.

[SOLVED] Cannot set CPU Governonr for Ryzen

Fix issues preventing CPU governor configuration on Ryzen processors by updating BIOS firmware, checking driver compatibility, or adjusting system settings for optimal performance.

[SOLVED]Unable to change CPU Frequency and Govenor?

Resolve problems with changing CPU frequency and governor settings by updating system software, ensuring driver compatibility, or adjusting BIOS settings for proper functionality.

CPU frequency scaling driver not changeable [SOLVED]

Address issues where the CPU frequency scaling driver cannot be changed by updating drivers, checking system compatibility, or adjusting power management settings as needed.

Can’t change governor, clock, CPU tweaks doesn’t work and isn’t recognized at all

Troubleshoot issues preventing changes to CPU governor, clock settings, or CPU tweaks by updating system software, verifying hardware compatibility, or adjusting BIOS configurations.

Current CPU frequency: Unable to call hardware

Resolve issues where the current CPU frequency cannot be determined due to hardware problems by checking hardware connections, updating drivers, or seeking technical support for further diagnosis.

[SOLVED] I think I have a problem (power management)

If you’re experiencing power management issues, they could be caused by incorrect settings or missing drivers.

Ensure your CPU’s frequency scaling driver is active and configured correctly to fix this. Updating your system and checking BIOS settings can also help solve power management problems.

Cpufrequtils not functioning after Intel P-State is Disabled

If cpufrequtils stops working after disabling Intel P-State, the system relies on this driver for frequency scaling. Either re-enable Intel P-State or switch to another cpufreq driver compatible with your CPU to fix this.

How to activate CPU driver in Ubuntu 20.04

To activate the CPU driver in Ubuntu 20.04:

  1. Use the command sudo modprobe [driver-name] in the terminal.
  2. Replace [driver-name] with the appropriate cpufreq driver for your CPU, like acpi-cpufreq or intel_pstate.
  3. Reboot your system to apply changes.

Kernel can’t detect CPU

If your kernel can’t detect the CPU, it could be due to an outdated kernel or missing drivers. Update your kernel to the latest version and install the correct CPU drivers. You can also check BIOS settings to ensure proper CPU detection.

Cpufreq-set fails with segmentation fault

A segmentation fault with a CPUfreq set usually means a problem with the software or driver. Reinstalling CPUfrequtils or updating your system can fix this. If the problem persists, check for hardware issues or incompatibilities with your CPU.

[SOLVED]Unable to change CPU Frequency and Govenor?

If you can’t change your CPU frequency or governor, it might be because of missing or incorrect drivers. Ensure the right CPUfreq driver is active, and try using cpufreq-set to adjust settings. Updating your system can also help resolve this issue.

[solved]CPU Scaling.

If CPU scaling isn’t working, it may be due to a disabled or incorrect driver. Make sure the correct cpufreq driver is installed and enabled. You can also check your CPU governor settings to ensure they are correctly set for scaling to work.


The acpi-cpufreq driver controls CPU frequency scaling on many Intel processors. If your system isn’t scaling the CPU properly, ensure this driver is active. If it’s not already enabled, you can load it using the modprobe acpi-cpufreq command.

Can not get CPU Scaling to work

If CPU scaling isn’t working, check if the appropriate cpufreq driver is active. Verify that your CPU supports frequency scaling and that the correct governor is selected. Updating your system and checking BIOS settings can also help resolve scaling issues.

Intel_pstate: CPU model not supported

If you see “Intel_pstate: CPU model not supported,” your CPU might not be compatible with the Intel_pstate driver.

You can switch to another cpufreq driver, like acpi-cpufreq, which may support your CPU better. Make sure your system is updated to avoid compatibility issues.


1. Why is my CPU running slow even with no apparent issues?

Your CPU may run slowly due to an inactive or malfunctioning CPUFreq driver. Check settings and update drivers for optimal performance.

2. How can I check if a CPufreq driver is active on my CPU?

Use system monitoring tools or commands like cpupower to verify the status of the CPufreq driver and ensure it’s active.

3. Is it advisable to manually install CPufreq drivers, or should I rely on automatic updates?

Automatic updates are safer for most users, but manual installation allows for precise control over driver versions and settings.

4. What is CPU frequency scaling?

CPU frequency scaling adjusts the CPU’s speed based on workload to balance performance and power consumption.

5. How do CPUfreq drivers affect system performance?

CPUfreq drivers control how CPU speed adjusts, impacting overall system responsiveness and energy efficiency.

6. Why am I seeing the error message “No or unknown CPUfreq driver is active on this CPU”?

This error indicates the CPUFreq driver isn’t recognized or properly configured, affecting CPU performance. Update drivers and check settings.

7. Can I manually install or update CPUfreq drivers?

Yes, you can manually install or update CPUfreq drivers to optimize CPU performance and resolve driver-related issues.

8. CPUpower frequency-info display “no or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU”?

When CPUpower displays this message, it suggests issues with the CPUFreq driver. Update drivers or adjust settings for resolution.

9. E3-1240 v5 cpufreq-info says: “No or unknown cpufreq driver is active on this CPU”?

Address this message by updating drivers specific to the E3-1240 v5 CPU to ensure proper CPUFreq driver functionality.

10. CPUfreq-info: no or unknown CPUfreq driver after upgrade to kernel 5.15.74-mvebu64 #22.08.6?

Following kernel upgrades, ensure CPUFreq drivers are updated to match the new kernel version for optimal performance and compatibility.


Resolving “No or unknown Cpufreq driver is active on this CPU” issues involve updating BIOS settings, ensuring driver compatibility, and configuring power management options. These steps optimize CPU performance, resolve driver-related errors, and enhance overall system efficiency and responsiveness.

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