Fp16 Is Not Supported On CPU Using Fp32 Instead

Fp16 Is Not Supported On CPU Using Fp32 Instead – Exploring

Precision and speed are critical factors in computational performance and machine learning. Floating-point precision, often referred to as FP, comes in different formats, such as FP16 (16-bit) and FP32 (32-bit). 

CPUs do not support FP16, and they use FP32 instead. This leads to slower performance for tasks requiring quick calculations, which affects applications in machine learning and graphics. To improve performance, consider using GPUs that support FP16.

This article delves into the nuances of why FP16 is not supported on CPUs, the implications of using FP32 instead, and practical steps for managing these constraints in your applications.

Table of Contents

Understanding FP16 and FP32

FP16 and FP32 represent different levels of precision in floating-point numbers. FP16 uses 16 bits to define a number, while FP32 uses 32 bits.

The primary advantage of FP16 is its reduced memory usage and potential speed improvements in calculations, making it particularly beneficial in graphics processing and machine learning contexts where large datasets and models are common.

However, FP16 is less precise than FP32, which can lead to errors in calculations that require high accuracy. CPUs are typically optimized for FP32, making it the default choice for many applications.

Why FP16 is Not Supported on CPUs

The primary reason FP16 is not supported on CPUs lies in hardware limitations. CPUs are designed to handle FP32 operations efficiently, and adapting them to support FP16 would require significant changes in their architecture. This adaptation involves:

  1. Additional Instructions: Emulating FP16 on CPUs requires additional instructions, increasing processing time.
  2. Cache Misses: Using FP16 can lead to more frequent cache misses, as the data may need to align optimally with the CPU’s cache lines.
  3. Pipeline Stalls: The CPU’s instruction pipeline can stall more often when processing FP16 instructions, further degrading performance.

Emulating FP16 on CPUs can reduce performance by 10-20%​.

What is FP16 and FP32?

What is FP16 and FP32
Source: exxactcorp

FP16 and FP32 denote different levels of precision in how computers handle numerical data. FP16 uses 16-bit floating-point precision, which is suitable for fast calculations but with lower accuracy, than FP32, which uses 32-bit precision, offering higher accuracy but at a slightly slower speed.

Transitioning from FP32 to FP16:

1. Float_to_float16 method:

The “float_to_float16” method converts regular floating-point numbers into a shorter format, FP16. This process streamlines data for quicker computations, which is beneficial in scenarios prioritizing speed over absolute precision, such as machine learning inference tasks.

2. Auto-mixed precision method:

Auto-mixed precision intelligently selects between FP32 and FP16 based on computational demands. By dynamically adjusting precision levels, this method optimizes performance, effectively balancing accuracy and processing speed.

Implications of FP16 Not Supported:

1. Fine-Tuning Applications:

Fine-tuning involves optimizing software to maximize FP16 performance. This process aligns computational tasks with hardware capabilities, ensuring efficient utilization of available resources.

2. Monitoring System Performance:

Regularly monitoring system performance is crucial for identifying bottlenecks and optimizing FP16 usage. Like maintaining a well-tuned engine, monitoring ensures smooth operation and efficiency across various computational tasks.

How to Use FP32 Instead of FP16?

1. Check System Requirements:

Verify hardware and software compatibility for FP32 operations. Ensuring adequate support enables seamless integration and enhanced computational accuracy for tasks demanding higher precision.

2. Adjust Application Settings:

Customize application settings to align with FP32 requirements. This involves configuring software parameters to optimize performance while accommodating specific computational needs.

3. Utilize Software Patches or Updates:

Update software regularly to incorporate performance enhancements and bug fixes. Keeping applications current ensures optimal utilization of FP32 capabilities, improving overall system efficiency and stability.

4. Consider Alternative Solutions:

Explore alternative approaches to mitigate FP16 limitations. This involves innovating new algorithms, leveraging specialized hardware, or adopting hybrid computing models to optimize performance across diverse computational requirements.

Practical Tips for Managing FP32 on CPUs

  1. Check System Requirements: Ensure your hardware and software are optimized for FP32 operations.
  2. Adjust Application Settings: Modify your application settings to favor FP32 calculations, which might involve changing flags or parameters in your code or command-line interfaces.
  3. Use Software Patches or Updates: Keep your software updated to leverage any optimizations or fixes related to FP32 performance.
  4. Consider Alternative Solutions: If performance is a critical concern, consider using GPUs, which are more adept at handling FP16 operations efficiently​.

Exploring the Benefits and Drawbacks of FP16

1. Benefits of FP16:

  • Reduced Memory Usage: FP16 data requires half the memory of FP32, which can be advantageous in memory-limited environments like mobile devices or embedded systems.
  • Faster Computation: FP16 arithmetic operations are generally quicker, improving performance in tasks with less critical precision.

2. Drawbacks of FP16:

Drawbacks of FP16
Source: exxactcorp
  • Lower Precision: The reduced bit-width of FP16 means less precision, which can result in significant errors in calculations that require high accuracy.
  • Limited Hardware Support: As discussed, many CPUs do not support FP16 natively, necessitating emulation that can degrade performance​.

3. Using Mixed Precision for Optimal Performance

Mixed precision techniques leverage the strengths of both FP16 and FP32 by using FP16 for operations that can tolerate lower precision and FP32 for those requiring higher accuracy. This approach can be implemented in various ways, such as:

1. Mixed Precision Training in Deep Learning: Frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch offer tools for mixed-precision training, allowing models to use FP16 for certain operations while retaining FP32 where necessary.

From torch.cuda.amp import autocast, GradScaler

scaler = GradScaler()

with autocast():

output = model(input)

loss = criterion(output, target)




Future Trends and Developments

The trend towards supporting lower-precision arithmetic in hardware is growing, driven by the demand for more efficient computational models in AI and machine learning.

Future CPUs may incorporate better support for FP16, narrowing the performance gap and making mixed precision a more seamless and effective approach.

Additionally, as software libraries and frameworks evolve, we can expect more sophisticated methods for leveraging mixed precision, further optimizing the trade-offs between speed, memory usage, and accuracy​.

How To Improved Performance of FP16?

Enhancing FP16 performance involves leveraging parallel processing and effectively utilizing hardware capabilities. Users can achieve improved computational efficiency with FP16 by optimizing algorithms and adjusting application settings.

Quality comparison of FP32 vs. FP16:

Comparing FP32 to FP16 is akin to evaluating high-definition versus standard-definition imagery. FP32 offers superior accuracy but demands more resources, while FP16 sacrifices some detail for faster processing, suitable for specific computational tasks.

How can I switch from FP16 to FP32 in the code to avoid the warning?

To resolve the warning about unsupported FP16 on the CPU, modify your code to utilize FP32 instead. This adjustment ensures compatibility and stable performance across various computational tasks, addressing the limitations posed by CPU hardware.

UserWarning: FP16 is not supported on CPU?

The UserWarning indicates that the CPU does not support FP16 due to hardware constraints. As a result, operations that require FP16 precision will automatically default to FP32, which is fully compatible with CPU architecture.

Why is “FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead” on Ampere A1?

On Ampere A1 processors, FP16 is not natively supported on the CPU. This limitation arises from hardware design choices that optimize CPU performance for FP32 operations. Hence, switching to FP32 ensures seamless functionality across different computational tasks on these processors.

Float16 not supported?

Float16 not supported?
Source: researchgate

CPUs lack support for Float16 (FP16), a precision format suitable for faster calculations but with reduced accuracy compared to FP32. Consequently, software and algorithms designed for FP16 operations must utilize FP32 to maintain computational integrity and efficiency.

Whisper AI error : FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead

The error from Whisper AI highlights FP16’s lack of CPU support, necessitating the use of FP32 for effective computational performance.

Cuda and OpenAI Whisper : enforcing GPU instead of CPU not working?

Attempts to enforce GPU over CPU in Cuda and OpenAI Whisper environments are ineffective because FP16 is not supported on CPU, requiring FP32 for optimal performance.

FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead Mac

On Mac systems, FP16 is unsupported on the CPU, necessitating FP32 for tasks requiring efficient and compatible numerical processing.

Valueerror: type fp16 is not supported. Deepspeed

The ValueError in Deepspeed indicates that the FP16 type is not supported, necessitating the use of FP32 for effective execution and computational stability.

Not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead warnings.warn(“FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead”) Traceback (most recent call last):

When encountering “FP16 is not supported on CPU; using FP32 instead” warnings, it indicates that the CPU lacks native support for FP16 precision, necessitating the use of FP32 for consistent performance and compatibility.

PSA : FP16 is not exclusive to Vega. Mixed precision optimizations will boost Nvidia perf as well. Which is a good thing & is why devs are embracing it.

FP16 is not limited to Vega GPUs; Nvidia’s mixed precision optimizations enhance performance universally. Developers benefit from improved computational efficiency across various applications, prompting widespread adoption.

[D] Anyone else notice a surprisingly big difference between FP32 and FP16 models?

Discussions reveal significant performance gaps between FP32 and FP16 models. FP16, while faster, sacrifices some accuracy compared to FP32, influencing model training and inference outcomes in machine learning and AI contexts.


1. What does “FP16 is not supported on CPU” mean?

CPUs cannot natively process FP16 (16-bit floating-point) operations, so they default to using FP32 (32-bit floating-point) instead, resulting in slower performance for specific tasks.

2. What is the significance of FP16 and FP32 in CPU?

FP16 and FP32 denote different levels of numerical precision. FP32 offers higher accuracy but slower speed, while FP16 sacrifices some accuracy for faster calculations, crucial for various computational tasks.

3. Why does the CPU not support FP16 operations?

CPUs prioritize 32-bit precision (FP32) for computational accuracy, lacking native support for 16-bit floating-point operations (FP16) due to design and efficiency considerations.

4. In what scenarios is FP16 typically used?

FP16 is commonly used in tasks requiring rapid calculations with acceptable precision, such as neural network inference, real-time graphics rendering, and certain scientific simulations.

5. Are there any disadvantages to using FP32 instead of FP16 on the CPU?

Using FP32 on the CPU ensures higher accuracy but may lead to slower performance in tasks requiring rapid computations. It consumes more resources compared to FP16.

6. Is there a way to overcome the lack of FP16 support on the CPU?

To mitigate FP16’s lack of CPU support, developers can optimize algorithms for FP32, utilize GPUs for FP16 computations, or employ mixed precision techniques for balanced performance.

7. What is the float_to_float16 method?

The float_to_float16 method converts standard floating-point numbers (float) into a shorter format known as float16, reducing data size for faster computations, beneficial in performance-critical applications.

8. How does auto-mixed precision work?

Auto-mixed precision dynamically selects between FP32 and FP16 based on computational needs, optimizing performance by balancing speed and accuracy in tasks such as AI inference and numerical simulations.

9. What are the implications of FP16 not being supported?

The lack of FP16 support on CPUs can limit performance in applications requiring rapid but less precise calculations, necessitating adjustments in algorithms or hardware configurations for optimal efficiency.

10. Can GPUs utilize FP16 efficiently?

Yes, GPUs efficiently handle FP16 operations, leveraging their parallel processing capabilities to achieve significant speedups in tasks like deep learning training and real-time graphics rendering.


Understanding the distinctions between FP16 and FP32 is crucial for optimizing computational performance. While CPUs default to FP32 due to hardware constraints, leveraging GPUs for FP16 tasks remains pivotal for enhancing efficiency in machine learning and graphics applications.

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